The K. C. Mahindra Education Trust’s corpus at the financial year-end
2015-16 was Rs. 3,151.74 lakhs.

Income & Expenditure

Total income earned amounted to Rs. 6,375.09 lakhs in 2015-16 (This includes M & M Group CSR donations of Rs. 3,371.29 lakhs (Rs. 2,077.29 lakhs for Nanhi Kali and Rs. 1,294.00 lakhs for other initiatives) and repayment of loan scholarship of Rs. 109.30 lakhs), compared to
Rs. 5,695.43 lakhs in 2014-15. (This includes M & M Group CSR donations of Rs. 3,093.86 lakhs (Rs. 1,917.82 lakhs for Nanhi Kali and Rs. 1,176.04 lakhs for other initiatives) and repayment of loan scholarship of Rs. 80.81 lakhs). Dividends and interest income totalled to Rs. 600.90 lakhs in

Expenditure on total program activities amounted to Rs. 5,590.54 lakhs which includes general establishment expenditure of Rs.11.46 lakhs.

A break-up of the project-wise expenditure is given below:

Project Rs. In Lakhs % of Total Expenditure
K. C. Mahindra Scholarships for Post-Graduate Studies Abroad 100.00 1.79%
MMFSL Scholarship 300.00 5.37%
Mahindra All India Talent Scholarship 143.49 2.57%
Honour Scholarship 1.20 0.02%
K. C. Mahindra UWC Scholarship 94.38 1.69%
Vinita Wanchhoo Lecture series 0.85 0.02%
Mahindra Pride School 1,040.00 18.60%
Project Nanhi Kali 3,899.16 69.75
General Establishment Expenditure 11.46 0.20
TOTAL 5,590.54 100%

Statement of Affairs as on 31.03.16 (Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars F16 F15

Corpus Fund


Earmarked Funds - Project Nanhi Kali 549.02 430.83
Excess of Income Over Expenditure 4,319.92 3,662.86
TOTAL 8,020.68 7,010.43

Fixed Assets


Investments 3,735.59 2,927.59
Current Assets, Loans and Advances
Cash and Bank Balance 227.81 568.77
Short Term Investments 3,661.17 3,115.72
Loan Scholarship 355.05 364.35
Tax Deducted at Source and Other Advances 41.06 33.98
TOTAL 8,020.68 7,010.43

For K. C. Mahindra Education Trust
Mr. Keshub Mahindra, Chairman | Mr. Anand Mahindra, Trustee
Mr. Bharat Doshi, Trustee | Mr. Ulhas Yargop, Trustee
Mrs. Uma Malhotra, Trustee | Mrs. Leena Labroo, Trustee
Ms. Sheetal Mehta, Trustee and Executive Director

Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on 31st March, 2016 (Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars F16 F15



Interest and Dividend 600.91 479.35
TOTAL 6,147.60 5,392.01

Expenditure on the Objects of the Trust


Personnel Cost 40.76 39.55
Administration and General Expenses 11.44 7.42
Depreciation 0.02 0.03
TOTAL 5,490.54 4,665.49
Surplus for the Year 657.06 726.52
Surplus Brought Forward 3,662.86 2,936.34
Surplus Carried Forward 4,319.92 3,662.86

For Deloitte, Haskins & Sells
Mr. U. M. Neogi, Partner